Many of the career centers we power offer a Job Flash (email blast) product that will, in addition to posting your ad on the job board, get your ad emailed into the inboxes of thousands of specifically qualified candidates. These email blast target the currently most common candidate type - passive candidates. Passive candidates (those already employed and who might be occasionally looking for career advancement) make up about 80% of the work force. Many of these skilled professionals have joined associations with the hopes to grow and develop their careers, making an association career center the premier place to search for talent!
Job Flash emails typically go out twice a month, on the first and third Wednesday (some variation may occur for weeks including a national holiday).
Purchasing a Job Flash product will get you included in one of those two scheduled blasts. The deadline for a job posting to be included in a Job Flash is the Friday of the week before the email is sent out. If you submit your job posting after this, the ad will be delayed being included until the next email blast (for example if you miss the 1st Wednesday, your ad will go in the blast for the 3rd Wednesday of the month).
Job Flash emails are a great way to gain additional exposure for your ad beyond just posting to the job board directly. Simply select a job posting product that includes the Job Flash, upload your ad information, and let the ad go to work for you!
Still have questions or need some help? Connect with one of our ad specialists! (How To Find the Sales Person for Any Job Board)
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