Multiple Location Display (On-Site and Hybrid Opportunities)

An update (February 2024) has been made which creates a more candidate-friendly experience when searching for opportunities. You may wonder what that looks like as an employer posting your multi-location opportunity, though. Let's start with where you fill in the locations for your on-site or hybrid opportunity:


screenshot of location section on job posting form


This section must be filled in with at least the country and state/province for your opportunity, though we do suggest filling in the city and zip if possible as well. The more you put in, the more ways your candidates have to connect to your ad when searching! There is no special order you need to add your locations in, just be sure to click "Add Location" after filling in the info for each.


Once your ad is published, it will show up in searches as having multiple locations:


screenshot of multiple location designation on an active job posting


Once a candidate clicks on your ad, the initial location shown will be dependent on how the candidate is searching:


  • If radius search is used, the job’s location closest to the search radius displays as the primary location.
  • If radius search is not used, the location closest to the user’s IP address displays as the primary location.
  • If IP isn’t available, the location of highest alphabetical order (A-Z) displays as the primary location.


From there, the candidate will be able to see all locations by clicking the +# button on the listing (# being the number of additional locations besides the one being displayed):


screenshot of expanded field showing all locations for a job posting


This helps to ensure your opportunity is being presented to those candidates who are searching in your listed locations. 




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