Veterans, Diversity, and Social Media Upgrades

                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Updated 11/27/2024

Veterans Upgrade

The Veterans upgrade features some of the leading job boards for recruiting military and veteran talent. Your ad will be distributed programmatically to a network of sites boasting approximately 100,000 unique veteran candidate views monthly. Select this upgrade during the checkout process to push your job posting out to this additional network of talent in addition to being directly-posted on the association career center. This upgrade lasts for 30 days and all candidates will be pushed back to your original ad for ease of engagement tracking and applicant management.

Diversity Upgrade

The Diversity upgrade will programmatically distribute your ad on a powerful network of sites which focus on diversity, equity, and inclusion. This will help you to reach a diverse pool of candidates and meet compliance requirements. Approximately 1.2 million unique candidates browse this network of sites monthly. Select this upgrade during the checkout process to push your job posting out to this additional network of talent in addition to being directly-posted on the association career center. This upgrade lasts for 30 days and all candidates will be pushed back to your original ad for ease of engagement tracking and applicant management.

Social Media Upgrade

The Social Media upgrade will boost the visibility of your posted job via the social media sites job seekers use most - LinkedIn and X (Formerly Twitter). You will not only reach more candidates by being on these sites, but can gain additional visibility via social sharing (when members of these networks share your ad). How does this work?

  • X (Formerly Twitter) - Your ad will be posted via the NationWideJobSearch’s X account. Posts may include job type/category-specific hashtags (such as such as #healthcarejob, #salesjobs, etc.) as well as various job search related hashtags (like #jobs, #jobsearch and #newjobs). 

  • LinkedIn - Your posting will be distributed to your company’s LinkedIn profile page as well as be discoverable in the job search section. Please keep in mind your company will need to have a LinkedIn profile page already set up for this connection to be made. 

The Social Media upgrade is not recommended for anonymous/confidential job postings. LinkedIn will not be able to display your job if you keep it confidential and it will be harder to tag on X for candidates to find. For more info on how to find your ads, please check out this supplementary article - Social Media Upgrade: How To Find Your Job on LinkedIn and X (Formerly Twitter)


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