How To Check if Your Posting is Live/Active to the Public?

If you are in your employer portal, the following steps will help you to confirm your posting is live and viewable to job seekers. This is helpful if you need to provide proof of the posting via a live link or if you just want to ensure your transaction has successfully gone through.

  1. Go to the My Account page of your employer account.
  2. Check the right hand corner and you will see a box that is called Current Account Status:

    screenshot of current account status page, specifically calling out the active jobs link

  3. You should see a count next to the third section called "Active Jobs"
  4. Click the link to see if this is your current posting, this will bring you to the "My Jobs" page (which is also accessible through the Employer drop down menu)
  5. Scroll down on the page and look for the Action column:

    screenshot of the my jobs page, specifically calling out the action column which is an icon that can be hovered over to the right of the job title

  6. Under the Action column, hover over the icon that looks like a piece of paper. 
  7. Click "View Live Job", which will bring your to the live view of your job posting in a new tab.

Another way that you can find your posting organically, as though you were a job seeker, is by using the job search page. You can access this by using the Job Seeker menu at the top of the page and clicking the job search link. This will bring you to the main job board page. From there, simply type a keyword, search by location, or use one of the filters to search for your job. 


Most ads will become viewable by job seekers within several minutes of posting, though keep in mind that you may not be able to search for your position by all possible search terms immediately after the posting goes live, as it can take up to 24 hours for all of the possible keyword combinations to be entered into our search system.


Some ads may take a little longer to go live if they have to be validated by the partner association. Please see this supplementary article for more info:


How Long Does It Take For My Order To Be Reviewed/Validated?



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