How To Use Job Search Filters

Updated 2/4/2025


Some candidates like to search the career center page by page, making sure to take in every newly posted opportunity. Perhaps you don't have the time or desire to go through every single advertisement, though, and want to narrow your search down. This is where the search filters will become a great help. 

Depending on the job board that you are on, the filter options can vary. Some common ones you may see, though, include workplace type, industry, job function, and state/country.

To locate the filter options, click on the sliders icon to the right of the search button:

image showing the filter icon to the right side of the screen near the search button

After clicking the filter button, you will get a pop out to the left of the screen showing the options you can choose (keep in mind that these options can vary by career center, this is just an example):

screenshot showing the filter popout with the various filtering options which can be used

Once you have made your selections using the filter menu, hit the "X" to the top right, or click somewhere outside of the range of the filter pop out to close the filter window. You will be able to see how many filter options you have running next to the sliders icon used to open the menu. If you need to adjust or clear the filters, reopen the same menu to make changes. 


image depicting two filtering being applied currently

Keep in mind that the more filters you use, the narrower your search becomes. Removing some filters may yield additional results. If you are not finding any results, though, it could mean there are no currently posted opportunities that are matching your needed criteria. This would be a good time to consider setting up a Job Alert email to keep you updated when new opportunities are posted. You can find more on that in the following article:

How Do I Create a Job Alert?


If you need assistance with how to use the filter options, please feel free to reach out to career center support at 860-437-5700 or

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