How Do I Deactivate My Job Seeker Account?

To deactivate your account, you will first need to log into the account you would like to deactivate. Once logged in, go to Job Seekers link at the top of the page and place your cursor over the link to display the drop down menu:

Click the link that says My Account:

screenshot of job seeker menu

When the page opens up, scroll down and go to the section called "Settings." To the right, under the options column, there is a link that says "Deactivate" which you will need to click:

screenshot of My Account page showing the link available to click for deactivation

This will suspend your account, not delete your contact information from our system. This gives you the ability to come back to your account at a later time without losing all of your information, resumes, cover letters, etc. If you are looking to delete your account entirely, understanding no information will be recoverable, please see the following article:

How Do I Delete My Account Permanently?



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