Creating and Maintaining a Company Profile (Company Directory)

Completing a company profile gives you a several benefits on the career center. First and foremost, you are able to provide your company's background information so the candidates can learn more about your organization prior to applying and interviewing.  Candidates truly value a sneak peak at the company they will be applying to and are more likely to pursue opportunities for companies that have a full company profile. 

Another benefit to having an active company profile is the option to attach your company's logo to every posting you submit, without having to re-upload each time you post.

If you have more than one active posting, your company profile will show that to the job seekers in the company directory. This can attract candidates who know they want to work with your organization, so they know what open opportunities you are offering at that time. Your company profile will remain in the directory so long as you have an active account, even if you do not have any current openings posted.

To activate or edit your company profile, visit the My Company option under the Employer menu at the top of the page and click the option to view/edit your profile. All fields are optional, but we do recommend filling out as much as possible to increase your visibility and help attract candidates who may be interested in working for your organization!


screenshot of blank company profile page


You can edit or remove your company profile from the Company Directory at any time by accessing the My Company option through the Employers menu at the top of your career center portal. To edit, use the same view/edit button as when the profile was created. Changes made would replicate to the company directory within a few minutes of completion of your action.

To remove the profile from the directory, use the De-activate button. 


screenshot of deactivate and view/edit buttons


We have created a quick video guide on these instructions so that you can follow along:


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