You are able to stop your job posting, prior to the expiration date, and remove it from the job board at any time via your employer account. A common reason you might opt to do this is if you find an ample number of candidates and would like to stop receiving new submissions as you progress through the interview and hiring process.
Log into your employer account on the career center and hover over the "Employers" menu at the top. From that drop down, you will next want to click on "My Jobs".
From there, you will see your position(s) listed in order of newest to oldest posting. To the left of each, there will be a check box to select the specific position you would like to stop.
After selecting the box, click the “Stop” button. Your posting will be removed from visibility on the job board so that job seekers will no longer be able to see the posting or submit applications.
You will still be able to access the posting in your account at any time. The posting can be reactivated, if needed, during the original duration of the posting. Please keep in mind that stopping the posting doesn't pause/change the official expiration date, that remains the same as when your posting was initiated.
To activate the posting, complete the same steps to stop the posting but click the "Activate" button instead of the "Stop" Button.
Please take note there is no need to use the “Delete” option unless you no longer wish for that job to appear on your “My Jobs” page. Deleting a job will remove your own visibility to see the original posting contents and statistics. We do recommend using the "Stop" option if you may need to access info on the posting at a later time.
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