What is the Resume Bank (and Why Should I Use It?)

When loading your resume onto your account, you will have the option to make the document public and searchable by employers. This is what allows your document to be included in the Resume Bank. But what IS the Resume Bank?


The Resume Bank is a collective of resume documents, submitted by candidates like you, which are housed in a central "bank" on the career center portal. To access this section of the portal, employers must first go through a security validation process to provide proof that are a legitimate recruiter within their organization. This ensures your info is kept safe and protected! Employers can then search through the bank, looking for candidates with certain educational backgrounds, work history, or skillsets that may match up with a current open opportunity they have.


You put a lot of time and care into curating your resume document to showcase your skillset, so why not let it shine while taking some of the lift of job searching off your shoulders? Using the resume bank allows employers to come to you!





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