How to Access Applicant Info

In our article Application Method Options, you learned how to set up your ad for applicant response. If you haven't read that article, it is recommended to do that first. This article will take a deeper look into how those applicants will (or won't!) appear in your employer portal. 


Let's review the application methods one more time as a refresher:


1. Direct Email Applications

2. Company Website Applications (Apply URL)

3. Job Board Applications


Candidate info on your employer portal can be accessed right from your My Account page, which is the first page which will come up when logging in. Towards the top right, you will see a "Current Account Status" box with some links to important sections of your portal, including your applicant pool!


screenshot of current account status box with the link to applicants highlighted in yellow

After clicking on the link for your applicant pool, you will be brought to a page with all of your candidates listed:


screenshot of candidate pool page showing 3 applications/candidates


Now we can dive into what each column heading means:


Candidate - This is the full name your candidate provided when creating their career center account. These names will sometimes show a hyperlink, as mine do in the previous example. If a hyperlink is active, this means the candidate created a career center profile which you can view. Please note this is NOT their application. If there is no hyperlink, it only means the candidate did not opt to create a profile page.


Position - The title shown here will directly correlate to the position title you entered when filling out your job posting form.


Board - This will clarify which career center your candidate came from. As YM Careers is a niche career center provider for thousands of associations and non-profits, you may be running ads on multiple career centers we power. This designation is informational for you so you know where your candidate found you!


Qualified - This indication comes from the Filter Templates/Questions if you have opted to set up a pre-screen for your candidates. You can learn more about how to set that up at - Creating Filter Templates/Questions for Applications. Only candidates who apply with their pre-loaded resume on the job board platform will be offered pre-screening questions. You will see a "--" if this field is not applicable due to application type or pre-screen questions not being set up.


Applied - The date your candidate applied for the opportunity.


Apply Method - This is where those application methods we talked about in the beginning come into play! Depending on application method, candidates will (or won't!) leave a footprint on your account. Here is how to differentiate how your candidates have applied and how to find their info:


  1. Direct Email Applications - You will see an email address in the Apply Method field. This is a footprint of the email that your candidate used to apply. All documentation would have been sent directly to the email address for your organization, which you set up along with your advertisement. No resumes for this application method are stored in your employer portal and our support team cannot help with any missing documentation. Best practice is to communicate directly with your candidate at the listed email if you need anything further.

  2. Company Website Applications (Apply URL) - If candidates are directed off of the career center site into your organization's application portal/ATS, nothing will be logged in your employer portal on the career center. The reason is we cannot record information on a candidate after they leave our site. You will need to connect with your internal team if you have questions on applicants who have used your application URL.

  3. Job Board Applications - These are applications from candidates who have pre-loaded their resume into their candidate portal and "quick apply" using this stored document. You will be emailed a notice that you have an application to collect from your portal. These applications are indicated in the Apply Method field with an [Application] designation. This is also a hyperlink you would use to directly access the candidate's resume. You can opt to print (to paper or to PDF) or email the application from there as-needed.






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