OFCCP Data Collection

As you are browsing the career center, you may see mention of OFCCP Data Collection. This article is to help you better understand what that data collection is for and how it is obtained.


What is OFCCP data?

  • Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP) regulations requires covered federal contractors and subcontractors to collect information about gender, race and ethnicity of each applicant for employment.

What happens when a job seeker applies to a job when this feature is active?

  • For job board application method, the job seeker will land on a page with the OFCCP questions.

Where do the questions appear?

  • The questions are presented to job seekers after submitting a job board application or accepting a contact request.


screenshot of OFCCP data collection page


When the feature is active on a job board, does it automatically collect OFCCP data for all employers and jobs posted?

  • Yes, the OFCCP setting in the employer's account is automatically enabled by default.

What data is the employer collecting?

  • Gender, Self Identification (Ethnicity), and Veteran status

Where is the data visible for employers?

  • On the My Jobs page via the "View OFCCP Data" link


screenshot of employer portal

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