Can I Save a Job Posting to My Account?

Saving (bookmarking) your job search history on your account is as simple as the click of a button! Please note, though, that you must be logged in when taking this action. When you have come across an ad that you would like to save for later viewing, all you have to do is click on the starred bookmark icon that is in the top right-hand corner of that specific posting: 


screenshot of a job posting with a red arrow pointing to the bookmark symbol to the upper right


You will receive a message pop up stating the job has been saved in your account:


screenshot of message pop up stating the bookmarked job has been saved to your account


To view the saved job (and any others previously saved), head to your "My Account" page from the job seeker menu and scroll to the bottom of the page:


screenshot of saved jobs section of the my account page


Keep in mind that jobs do expire from the career center, many within 30 days of posting. Once a job is expired, you will no longer be able to view or apply to the listing, and it will be removed from your save list. Be sure to go back and submit your application to any jobs of interest as soon as possible! 




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