Does My Resume Have To Be Listed in the Resume Bank?

It is not required to list your resume publicly (which is how it is added to the career center resume bank). You can opt to keep the resume private, which will still allow you to use the document to apply for job opportunities you may find in the career center. The option to make your resume private or public can initially be found during the upload process, using the checkbox at the end of the submission form:


screenshot of checkbox on submission form asking if the resume should be made public to employers

You can also manage your resumes via your job seeker menu in the "Mange Resumes" option. You can move a private resume to be public by selecting the "Publish" option (or vice versa by selecting "Unpublish" on a public resume).


screenshot of resume management section with a call out to where to click to publish a private resume


You can only have one resume at a time listed publicly in the resume bank, but you can keep as many additional copies private as you would like (in case you want to tailor some to apply to specific job opportunities).

Keep in mind that listing your resume in the resume bank will give you increased exposure to find your perfect position! Employers connecting with you would generally do so through the career center portal via a contact request. We have more information on what that looks like and how to respond available at:


What Is a Contact Request and How Do I Respond?


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